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Hero Illustration

This post is going to be how hard new habits can be to form. Enter my previous post, my goal of rebounding for 8 minutes a days. Sounds simple enough, right? I have a rebounder (I LOVE it). I have 8 minutes to spare in my day. And yet, over this last week, I think I did this goal 2 times. Why is this? I think it comes down to figuring out how to create a new habit and knowing the why around the new habit.

Creating New Habits

I read Atomic Habits a few years back and really enjoyed it. I probably should read it again, and again. One main idea James Clear talks about is to called habit stacking. You want to start reading 10 pages in a book each day? Find something you do already, like drink coffee. Now, when you drink coffee, pick up a book and read instead of scrolling on your phone. That is habit stacking.

I need to come up with a good habit stack for my rebounder because I didn’t do that this week. I also kept on forgetting to ask my husband to help me bring it upstairs. I think having it in my room will be a good start. I could bounce on it in the morning after brushing my teeth. I enjoy podcasts or music, so I could listen to that then. Or, as soon as my son gets out of the door for school in the AM, I could go on the trampoline then.

Why Rebounding?

Another way to motivate me to stick to this new habit would be to understand the why. I figured I could share with you the benefits of rebounding in hopes to inspire you too! And just so you know, there are trampolines for $50 that are perfectly amazing! Or look for second-hand ones.


  • Is Excellent for the lymph nodes- the subtle bouncing up and down gets the lymph nodes draining.
  • Improves digestion
  • Circulates oxygen
  • Improves bone mass
  • And more!

I will report back!

Photo by Austin Schmid on Unsplash


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